Seduction: The Way to a Woman's heart, A portal for Women Who Crave Satisfaction

Welcome to Seductive Whisper, the safe space for women to trade the most intimate information about their online obsession, where every reader is a potential contributor too. We Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, so you might find your work appearing alongside work by award-winning authors such as Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
But Seductive Whisper is not just a magazine. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet and literary magazines. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, including the Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametLorem ipsum dolor sit amet. And our brand-new Writer’s Corner – designed to make 2024 your most creative year yet.
Then there are our annual competitions, which have propelled many women writers to new heights. In addition, our online Forum allows participants to form a community and participate in online chat sessions with their favorite Kdrama idols and Q&As guided by prominent professionals.


Sound the new magazine klaxon – Issue 101 is out in the world, and it’s chock-a-block with revealing features, candid interviews and our usual sprinkling of writerly advice and inspiration.
There’s a real sense of play and resilience in our spring edition – and a surprising amount of dancing. This issue looks at the value of art to our creativity and wellbeing, and the hazy boundaries between various forms, whether that be poetry, textiles, or filmmaking. In our Agenda, Frances Byrnes looks at how to keep producing work in the face of repeated setbacks, and how moving your body can help to kick your creative brain into gear.
And if you’re looking to get your work noticed, you can choose from hundreds of creative submissions slots and prestigious competitions listed in our creative directory, alongside online and in-person literary events, retreats and courses for you to expand your horizons.


Sound the new magazine klaxon – Issue 101 is out in the world, and it’s chock-a-block with revealing features, candid interviews and our usual sprinkling of writerly advice and inspiration.
There’s a real sense of play and resilience in our spring edition – and a surprising amount of dancing. This issue looks at the value of art to our creativity and wellbeing, and the hazy boundaries between various forms, whether that be poetry, textiles, or filmmaking. In our Agenda, Frances Byrnes looks at how to keep producing work in the face of repeated setbacks, and how moving your body can help to kick your creative brain into gear.
And if you’re looking to get your work noticed, you can choose from hundreds of creative submissions slots and prestigious competitions listed in our creative directory, alongside online and in-person literary events, retreats and courses for you to expand your horizons.

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